International Orders

We are proud to offer our high-quality products and exceptional customer service to Clubs, Districts, and customers in other countries.

All prices on our website are displayed in U.S. Dollars. However, depending on your location, you may see prices in your local currency. When making payments, your credit card company will handle the currency conversion based on the current exchange rate. Please note that most international orders will go through customs, and you will be responsible for any duties, taxes, or fees required by your government. Our invoices will only show the cost of the products and shipping charges; any additional duties or taxes are your responsibility.

We value your international business and will do our best to process and ship your order as quickly as possible.

Please be aware that we cannot offer same-day shipping for orders outside the United States due to the additional paperwork, handling, and financial processing required. International orders typically require a minimum of 3 days for processing before shipment.

There is no minimum order value for international customers, and we are happy to serve orders of any size. As we will be communicating with you via email regarding the status of your order, it’s important to provide a valid email address that you check regularly.